WELCOME TO Value Spirits Group
There are 3900 Wine and Spirits Retailers in the State of Florida, compared to fewer than 1000 Wine and Spirits Chain Stores. Our Objective is to bring balance and strength to these Independent stores who are currently under-served in the Florida distribution system.

Do chain stores do something you don't do?
Do chain stores know something you don't know?
Why fear them when you so outnumber them?
Chain stores have a simple business model that is working well for them. You can learn from them and use their proven system to your own advantage.
Their secrets are not so secret after all. We know it, and you can use their business model without adding one cent to your overhead.


By increasing your gross margin by just 5% on some of your Products you will contribute 62.5% to your bottom-line Profit:

Check the Math click here


Change your focus: you have no control over what the chains are doing. Instead, control what you can do. You can use their proven business model in your own store.

For More Information: click here